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How to Approach Someone with a Learning Disability


In our world there are many people who distance themselves from people with a learning disability or any disability in general. Sometimes they distance themselves because they are not comfortable around them or they think that their skill level is above someones with a learning disability. In my move I provided ways to appraoch someone with a disability that will not only help you feel comfortable, but for you to be able to talk to them in a way that is understandable. 



  1. Be comfortable around who you are talking to, so that they feel comfortable around you.

  2. Follow the lead of the person you are talking with.

  3. Be aware of the environment you are in.

  4. Be aware of your body language. 

"The most important thing to know when interacting with people with disabilities is that they are people. And just like all people, they are very different, incuding being different in how they are with disability issues."

-Shawn Lawton Henry

"Communication is really important because that's the way of expressing yourself. If we don't communicate clearly with each other, there's no point in communicating at all."

- Mencap Website

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